Legal regulations
The current law on AR was passed in Croatia in 2012
Fundamental determinants of the current law on assisted reproduction in Croatia
Then, these are free of charge:
• 4 attempts at intrauterine insemination
• 6 attempts at ectopic insemination (2 in a natural cycle)
The couple undergoing treatment has several options:
The storage (cryopreservation) of germ cells, tissues and embryos is fully financed (in institutions with a contract, the costs for the first 5 years are covered by the CHFC). In all other circumstances, it is the patient's responsibility.
With donated gametes from one donor, three children can be born in the Republic of Croatia. Simultaneously, using both donated gametes (sperm and egg) is prohibited.
Surrogacy is prohibited.
Development of an embryo outside the womb for more than 6 days is prohibited.
Experimentation on embryos is prohibited.
Additional specifications are in 'All AR treatment forms require both partners' written consent. Withdrawal of consent terminates treatment.
The donor has no right to know the identity of the woman and child born with AR (with the donation).
They have no obligations or rights to the child conceived with their gametes.
Monetary or other rewards for donating gametes or embryos are prohibited. Reimbursement of only necessary expenses of the Regulations of Ministries and Guidelines of Professional Associations.